Manual Testing

Manual Testing
Manual testing is a meticulous process where human testers execute test cases without automated assistance. It involves exploring software functionalities, identifying bugs, and validating user experience against specifications. Despite its time-consuming nature, manual testing offers the advantage of human intuition, enabling testers to uncover intricate issues often missed by automated tools.

Our Clients

In contrast to automated testing, manual testing relies solely on human judgment and observation. Testers meticulously navigate through software functionalities, scrutinizing every detail to ensure its compliance with requirements. While it demands more time and effort, manual testing remains indispensable, particularly for assessing user interface intricacies and ensuring software usability across diverse environments.

Our Value Proposition

In this post-pandemic world, as continuous disruption unfolds, businesses need expert guidance and proven talent for their web development priorities.

As a smart and agile software development agency, we custom engineer sophisticated digital solutions, that enable our clients to stay ahead of the game, and thrive in this ever-changing digital landscape.

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Our capabilities

Manual testing is the process of manually executing test cases to identify defects, bugs, or issues in software applications, websites, or systems. It involves human intervention to verify and validate the functionality, usability, and performance of the software under test. Here’s an overview of manual testing:
Test Planning and Preparation
  • Develop a test plan that outlines the objectives, scope, and approach for manual testing activities.
  • Define test scenarios, test cases, and test data based on requirements, user stories, and acceptance criteria.
  • Prepare test environments, test data, and test documentation to support manual testing activities.

Test Execution
  • Execute test cases manually by following predefined steps, inputs, and expected outcomes.
  • Interact with the software application or system to simulate user actions and validate its behavior against specified requirements.
  • Record test results, including observations, defects, and any deviations from expected behavior, in test documentation or defect tracking tools.

Functional Testing
  • Perform functional testing to verify that the software meets functional requirements and performs as expected.
  • Test various features, functionalities, and workflows of the application, including user interface (UI), navigation, input validation, and data manipulation..
  • Conduct positive testing (valid inputs) and negative testing (invalid inputs, error conditions) to uncover defects and edge cases.

Regression Testing
  • Conduct regression testing to ensure that new changes or updates to the software do not introduce defects or regressions in existing functionality.
  • Re-run previously executed test cases to verify that fixed defects are resolved and that no new defects are introduced by recent changes.
  • Prioritize test cases based on risk, criticality, and impact to focus regression testing efforts effectively.

User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
  • Facilitate user acceptance testing (UAT) with stakeholders, end-users, or domain experts to validate that the software meets business requirements and user expectations.
  • Involve users in testing activities to gather feedback, identify usability issues, and ensure that the software aligns with user needs and preferences.
  • Document and address user feedback and issues raised during UAT to improve the quality and usability of the software.
Exploratory Testing
  • Conduct exploratory testing to uncover defects, usability issues, and edge cases that may not be covered by predefined test cases.
  • Explore the application freely, using intuition, experience, and creativity to discover potential defects or unexpected behaviors.
  • Document exploratory testing sessions, findings, and observations to provide insights into the application's quality and user experience.
Defect Reporting and Management
  • Report defects and issues discovered during manual testing in a defect tracking system or issue management tool.
  • Provide detailed information about each defect, including steps to reproduce, environment details, severity, and impact.
  • Collaborate with developers, testers, and stakeholders to prioritize, investigate, and resolve defects in a timely manner.
Documentation and Reporting
  • Document test execution results, including test coverage, pass/fail status, and any issues encountered, in test reports or test completion summaries.
  • Communicate test findings, observations, and recommendations to project stakeholders, including developers, product owners, and project managers.
  • Prepare test closure reports and lessons learned documentation to capture insights, best practices, and areas for improvement from manual testing activities.